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Annual Report

The Davis Educational Foundation’s Annual Reports are available in PDF Format below.

Download the 2023 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2022 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2021 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2020 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2019 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2018 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2017 Annual Report (PDF)

Download the 2016 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2015 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2014 Annual Report (PDF).

Download the 2013 Annual Report (PDF).

IRS Related Information

The Davis Educational Foundation is pleased to provide a link to its record available at the Foundation Center. The record contains links to 990 (tax forms) for the past three years.

Davis Educational Foundation - Candid Profile